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SAP Fiori Launchpad T-Code
Register service for UI2 cache use
Delete cache entries
Chip Registration
Customizing of UI Technologies
Fiori Launchpad Checks
Fiori Launchpad Intent Analyis
SAP Fiori Launchpad
Fiori Launchpad – Content Checks
Fiori Launchpad – Intent Checks
Fiori Launchpad Designer (cross-client)
Fiori Launchpad Designer (client-specific)
Gateway – Activation
Gateway – Application Log
Gateway – Error Log
Gateway – Service Maintenance
Gateway – Manage SAP System Alias
Register navigation objects
Define navigation provider
Start UI2 NWBC
NWBC Configuration (Customer)
NWBC Config: Define Parameter (Cust)
NWBC Config: Define Parameter (SAP)
NWBC Configuration (SAP)
Cleanup Personalisatation Service
Register POWL for OData consumption
Define Semantic Object – Customer
Define Semantic Object – SAP

Customizing - Edit Project
Goods Movement
material Doc. List
Enter Incoming Invoice
Data Browser
C FI Table T030
Create Purchase Order
Price Change
Create Sales Order
Other Goods Receipts
Create Condition
Customizing: New Movement Types
display Purchase Order
Cancel material document
Change Sales Order
Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.
G/L Account Line Items
Change Outbound Delivery
display material document
Device Configuration
Change Purchase Order
Incoming Excise Invoices
General Table display
Travel expenses
SAP T-Code
Se01 user and transport request
SE80 function, package
SE10 table
SEGW gateway
SE16 package
se37 rfc -> f8 test data
Se24 class
se11 table
/ose93 transaction code
 Clean cache ui5
/nspro register data model
/nsm04 kill other active
/nsm12 delete other person locked table
/IWBEP/CACHE_CLEANUP    clean cache web
/IWFND/CACHE_CLEANUP   clean cache function
/n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE  register services
/IWFND/IFW_ACTIVATE active services
/n/iwfnd/sutil_gw_client run services
/Sifc config after deploy
LPD_CUS config launchpad
/n  /UI2/FLPD_CUST  config loaunch pad
/nPfcg config role for launchpad
/n SWFVISU define annotation task
/nswia check task and work item
/nsm59 config
/nsicf config fiori path

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